Jack Russell Terrier

FCI - Standard Nr.345
Origin England
Country of Developmet Australia
Classification F.C.I Group 3 Terriers/Section 2 Small Terriers
Ideal Height 25 to 30 cm
Weight 1 kg to each 5 cm in height

Jack Russell History
The Jack Russell Terrier is a fox hunting dog, developed in England in the 19th century. There were terriers of all descriptions hunting earth dwelling creatures for hundreds of years before the Reverend John (Jack) Russell developed his  particular "strain" of hunting terriers. The Reverend lived in the mid-1800's in Devonshire. He maintained his dogs with a certain body style and temperament best suited to do the job of fox hunting. Our present day Jack Russell Terriers came to be soley by the efforts of this fox hunting parson. The conformation of the Jack Russell Terrier follows it's original function. Early Britisch fox hunters used a black and tan type terrier, rather than the Fell or Welsh Terrier, whose colouring was too similar to the quarry it was hunting, namely, the fox. Difficulty in telling the terrier from the creature it was bolting out of it's den brought about the desiere for a more white-bodied dog. In all probability the Englisch Black and Tan Terrier was crossed with the Old Englisch White Terrier (both now extinct) to achieve the type of coat and colouring we have taday in our Jack Russell Terriers.
The Jack Russell Terrier of today is still able to perform the functons it was originally bred to do. It has longer legs which enable it to run with the hounds. It also has a flexible body that allows it to squeeze into underground dens. This along with its engaging terrier temperament allows it to be a wonderful companion and an excellent hunter.

They are very fast and very good for underground work. For example: fox-hunting.
A strong, active, lithe working Terrier of great character with flexible body of medium length. His smart movement matches his keen expression. Tail docking is optional and the coat may be smooth, rough or broken.
The overall dog is longer than high.
The depth of the body from the withers to the brisket should equal the length of foreleg from elbows to the ground.
The girth behind the elbows should be about 40 to 43 cm.
A lively, alert and active Terrier with a keen, intelligent expression. Bold and fearless, friendly but quietly confident.
Skull: The skull should be flat and of moderate width gradually decreasing in width to the eyes and tapering to a wide muzzle.
Stop: Well defined but not over pronounced.
Nose: Black.
Muzzle: The length from the stop to the nose should be slightly shorter than from the stop to the occiput.
Lips: Tight-fitting and pigmented black.
Jaws/Teeth: Very strong, deep, wide and powerful. Strong teeth closing to a scissor bite.
Eyes: Small dark and with keen expression. MUST not be prominent and eyelids should fit closely. The eyelid rims should be pigmented black. Almond shape.
Ears: Button or dropped of good texture and great mobility.
Cheeks: The cheek muscles should be well developed.
Strong and clean allowing head to be carried with poise.
General: Rectangular.
Back: Level. The length from the withers to the root of tail slightly greater than the height from the withers to the ground.
Loin: The loins should be short, strong and deeply muscled.
Chest: Chest deep rather than wide, with good clearance from the ground, enabling the brisket to be located at the height mid-way between the ground and the withers. Ribs should be well sprung from the spine, flattening on the sides so that the girth behind the elbows can be spanned by two hands - about 40 cm to 43 cm.
Sternum: Point of sternum clearly in front of the point of shoulder.
May droop at rest. When moving should be erect and if docked the tip should be on the same level as ears.
Shoulders: Well sloped back and not heavily loaded with muscle.
Upper arm: Of sufficient length and angulation to ensure elbows are set under the body.
Forelegs: Straight in bone from the elbows to the toes whether viewed 
from the front or the side.
Strong and muscular, balanced in proportion to the shoulder.
Stifles: Well angulated.
Hock joints: Low set.
Rear pastern(Metatarsus): Parallel when viewed from behind while in free standing position.
Round, hard, padded, not large, toes moderately arched, turned neither in nor out.
True, free and springy.
May be smooth, broken or rough. Must be weatherproof. Coats should not be altered (stripped out) to appear smooth or broken.
White MUST predominate with black and/or tan markings. The tan markings can be from the lightest tan to the richest tan (chestnut).
Weight: Being the equivalent of 1 kg to each 5 cm in height, i.e. a 25 cm high dog should weigh approximately 5 kg and a 30 cm high dog should weigh 6 kg.
Ideal Height: 25 cm (10 ins) to 30 cm (12 ins).
:Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. However, the following weaknesses should be particularly penalised:
Lack of true Terrier characteristics.
Lack of balance, i.e. over exaggeration of any points.
Sluggish or unsound movement.
Faulty mouth.